Brain Gym Method
General overview
Also known as kinesthetic education, Brain Gym is a method using movement and artistic activities to improve learning abilities. Brain Gym refers to a set of 26 movements.
This method is mainly aimed at children with attention or learning disabilities and can help them to refocus, work, or deal with an overwhelming emotion.
These activities were designed in the early 1980s by Paul Dennison, with the aim of helping adults and children to access learning more easily and improve their performance.
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Main objectives of the method
The Brain Gym includes 26 exercises that promote concentration and memory.
Certain movements (from yoga, Chinese medicine, etc).
The objective of BrainGym exercises is to force both hemispheres to work simultaneously, combining movements that are often reversed between the two sides of the body (the brain has two hemispheres, the right one controls the left side of the body and the left one the right side).
The Brain Gym program consists of exercises to balance and coordinate vision, hearing, writing and movement to facilitate communication, centering, comprehension and concentration. -
Main objectives :
Manage stress
Improve concentration and attention (especially in cases of ADD/ADHD)
Improving organization and communication
Promote positive attitude, motivation and self-confidence
Supporting the development of reading, writing and mathematical skills
Specificities of the method
The sessions are carried out by Brain gym certified kinesiologists in offices throughout France. The different practitioners practice the 26 movements of Brain Gym®.
These can be group or individual workshops. It is also possible for parents to attend training days and then practice the method at home.
Example of an exercise :
Drawing the letters in the shape of a lying figure 8 allows you to photograph them and immerse yourself in the meaning of the letters in a visual and kinesthetic way in order to respect their writing movements, thus leaving more room for attention, creativity and expression.
Crossed movements to use the bridge between the 2 hemispheres
Eye work (make 8s by imagining a drawing on a glass or by making a light follow, always with the aim of crossing the median line)
Repetition of passive rhythmic movements that will reproduce in-utero movements
Mime of the Moro reflex
Who is this method for ?
From the outset, this method was intended for children with learning difficulties, but it is adaptable to any situation in life for both children and adults.
Scientific references
We must remain cautious about the effectiveness of Brain Gym: it is a highly marketed brand that does not always have a solid theoretical basis.
Moreover, the few independent studies that have concretely tested its effects on cognitive abilities and learning have not proven its effectiveness. -
"Taking the body and emotions into account to develop the attentional quality of children with learning disabilities" Sophie Decoudun-Hermelin
Demonstrate that body preparation through physical exercises can improve the attentional quality of children with learning disabilities.émotions-pour-la-Decoudun-Hermelin/0eba004e6e12851fa771c0e450ca6bc3a5f18aaf -
"Influence of BrainGym on Mathematical Achievment of Children " Sutoro Sutoro
Demonstrates a positive influence of BrainGym on the resolution of mathematical exercises.
To know more about the topic
Official website
Group FB parents
Directory of certified Brain Gym professionals:
Any remarks or comments ?
This work is based on a collaborative approach to sharing research and family experience.
If you have any comments, suggestions for modifications or corrections or clarifications to make, please let us know by email at